St.Joseph Sisters Society

Josephites is a special unit of the Sisters of St Joseph of Tarbes. The Josephites identify themselves with the spirit of our FOUNDRESSES and live the core values of St Joseph in day to day life. The Josephites come together on special occasions celebrated by our Institution.  These members are animated to imbibe the spirit of the SJT Sisters and are helped to discern the call of God for religious life.


J – Joyful

O – Obedient

S – Silent

E – Enthusiastic

P – Prayerful

H – Humble

I – Important

T – Thoughtful

E – Energetic

S – Sincere

Mission and Vision

Every Josephite will get together to discover and deepen her experience of  God, the Blessed Trinity and build Communion.



To be a friend of Jesus – to love and to serve Him.

To have love for the Word of God.

To study the  life of the Foundresses and our early Sisters.

To inculcate in them the values of  Faith and Simplicity of St Joseph.

To deepen their faith in  the Eucharist.

Criteria :

Josephite Movement is a voluntary participation of Children and Youth in our schools/colleges/parishes and in the workplace.

Josephite Emblem

             On wearing  the badge the student in the school is recognised as a Josephite.

 Prayer of the Josephites

Dear St Joseph, little child Jesus lovingly called you  Father

You took Him in your arms taught Him to pray and to love all.

Together with Jesus and Mother Mary I come to you to ask for your blessings

So that I may become like Jesus obedient, kind, helpful, sharing and caring.

Teach me to pray with trust in God my loving Father, Bless our Sisters, my parents,

teachers, friends and all of us your loving children. Amen.

Josephite Anthem

Hail Glorious St Joseph

                        1          Hail Glorious  St Joseph

Our Patron and Guide

We look on you lovingly

As you stand by our side

A father of virtue and goodness so rare

We kneel before you humbly

Answer our prayer.

2          You friend of all St Joseph,

We praise and honour you

Who Jesus  and Mary in your pure heart bore

With love and care your role,

You did play

Close by our side St Joseph

We beg you to stay.

3          As strong as a mountain,

Your faith you did show

To follow your foot steps,

We don’t ask for more.

We children all join in one voice

Saint of our choice.

4          Our lives of simplicity

To you we surrender

Oh! Great St Joseph,

As our services we render

Your blessings pour out,

We humbly implore

With hearts full of Love

Honour we give to you