Home – The Nilgiris St Joseph’s Sister’s Society is a Registered Societies (Non-Government) at COONOOR, TAMIL NADU with NGO unique registration ID ‘TN/2017/0174165’. The NGO registration is done by Registrar of Societies with registration number SL.NO. 3 OF 1949 on the date of 19-01-1949.
The grain of mustard seed sown in Cantaous in 1843 soon grew into a big tree. Listening to the voice of the Spirit, according to the signs of the time the Sisters went to India, Venezuela, Peru, Colombia, England, Kenya, Mexico, Austria, Brazil, Uganda, Spain, Congo, Djibouti and USA. They were called and cheerfully answered the call.
Their missionary zeal was heroic. Though faced with great difficulties, the Sisters of Cantaous upheld by the power of grace, kept up an unflinching devotedness and a patience that withstood every trial; their religious life was of a high supernatural quality.